Archive for valentines day

Celebrate Chinese New Year In Style ! China Chic Year Of The Tiger 2010

Posted in Chanel, Food and Culture with tags , , , , , , , , on February 11, 2010 by Alan + Mei-Mei the pug

Did you realize that Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year land on the same day this year?! It’s like “Double Happiness” on this Sunday Feb. 14th! Many of you already know about the valentine’s day, so I am dedicating this posting to Chinese New Year.  As an Chinese American, it’s time to remember our Chinese heritage & celebrate our traditions! Even the U.S. Postal service has special stamps to celebrate the year of Tiger.    

The Chinese New Year is regarded as one of the most important Chinese holidays. The celebration starts on the first day of the first month in the Chinese calendar and ends on the day of the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth.  A big feast marks the Eve of Chinese New Year (for this year it will be February 13th), complete with traditional Chinese dishes. ON the new year day, children receive money in red envelopes called “hongbao红包”from their parents and everybody wishes each other good health in the New Year.    

The first day of Chinese New Year is a time when families visit the oldest and senior members of their extended family, usually their parents, grandparents or great-grandparents.  Not everyone follows the same traditions for Chinese New Year. In northern China, families eat dumplings after dinner, while in southern China they eat rice cakes. Dumplings symbolize wealth, and rice cakes symbolize a prosperous year.  Some rituals go beyond food and gift giving and can include lighting firecrackers, invite a lion dance troupe as a symbolic ritual to usher in the Lunar New Year, as well as to evict bad spirits from the premises. 
Chinese New Year rice cake “Nian gao” (年糕) sounds like “年高”, which literally means “increasingly prosperous year in year out”.

Rows of Chinese dried sausages and waxed ducks in Chinatown    

Tangerines and Mandarin oranges symbolize abundance and happiness and are a must-gift when visiting relatives and friends.
In Chinatown or Chinese supermarkets, people were busily buying stuffs for the Spring festival.
The color Red is liberally used in all decoration during this festive season.  Red symbolizes good fortune. There is an ancient Chinese legend about a man-eating beast called “Nian” which is a predatory creature. To scare off Nian, people covered their homes with the color red and filled the air with loud noises, ie. fire crackers.
Chinese like to grace their gates and doors with Chinese New Year’s couplets which are written on two strips of red paper. The red couplets are composed of sentences that complement each other and often rhyme. Nowadays, we hardly see handwritten couplets; these are all printed with different designs.
Even the house of CHANEL dedicated a pre-fall 2010 collections to the “China Chic”! Here are some photos of this fabulous collection show at Shanghai, China.
Chinese terra cotta warriors inspired armor & coins dress
Chinese coral beads & pearl lariat necklace
Chinese “Frog Closure” dress, gives a hint of Asian style
Laser cut-out peony flower leather pants
Click on the media player below to view this fabulous fashion show!
So after reading and seeing all these festive Chinese new year stuff, are you all inspired and start thinking how to celebrate this Sunday? Well, here is a great idea how you can celebrate the Chinese New Year & Valentine’s day together and make it a very special “Double Happiness” holiday weekend!
“Valentine’s Day China Chic Style” – Make your own valentine’s day fortune cookies
1/2 C flour- If you have bread flour, use it.
1/2 C sugar
1 tsp vanilla- or sometimes I use 1/2 almond 1/2 vanilla
2 egg whites
(Photo & recipes courtesy of     

Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend to combine. Place in a container and chill 1 hour.  Preheat oven to 400°.    

The batter couldn’t be simpler. Just throw all of the ingredients (egg whites, sugar, flour, and vanilla) into a food processor and blend it up. You could also probably do it in a blender, or whisk it very well. You want zero lumps.

 Pop that mix in the fridge for an hour and while it’s chilling you can prep the rest of the ingredients. First, you’ll need fortunes! Since we’re making Valentine cookies today, filled them with little love notes. Be creative!

When your batter is chilled, place 1 teaspoon on each circle and spread it out with a small spoon to fill the circle on a plain baking sheet.  Pop the pan in the oven for about 6 minutes till you see it is brown around the edges and a little towards the center.  If you underbake them they will be chewy instead of crunchy!  This is the part is a little tricky, but you’ll get the hang of it fast.  If you try to take the cookie off the pan too quickly, it will mush up like this!
but if you leave it on too long (and I’m talking seconds here), it will firm up so much that you can’t shape it. So the trick is to find that perfect time. I find that it only takes about 15-30 seconds after they come out of the oven before I can get them off the pan. Use a spatula like you see in my pictures with a nice sharp edge. I thick plastic one won’t work very well.
Remove the cookie from the pan with the spatula and flip it over. Quickly tuck your fortune in the middle and then fold the cookie in half. Bend the cookie over the edge of a bowl to set the shape.

You can leave the fortune paper peeking out so it hangs out.  They only take a minute to cool and you can pack them right up!    

Since it’s the Valentine’s day is the same on the same day as Chinese new year, you can pretty up the fortune cookies with some V-day decorations.  You can use chocolate, almond bark, candy melts…etc and then sprinkle on any toppings you want.
Just dip & sprinkle anyway you like it! dip half the cookie, the outer edge, or drizzle, or whatever!

Combining the festive mood of Chinese New Year & Valentine’s day together by packaging the fortune cookies in some cute Chinese take-out boxes that you can buy from any craft stores.  Decorate anyway you like it, ribbons, glitter, lace, heart shape cut-out paper… let your imagination run wild!

We hope you enjoy this special Chinese New Year – Valentine’s day posting! Now go to your closet, find some fabulous RED color clothing, accessories or shoes and celebrate these two holidays “China Chic” style!    

Wanna also dress up your home in “China Chic” style? come check out our Asian inspired designer home fragrance collections by “L’Objet”, the handmade candles are encapsulated in a 14K gold plated Red Chinese theme vessel created from fine limoges porcelain paste, the candles exude the intoxicating scent of pink champagne. It’s a must have!

Click on the photo below to visit the collection


Until next time, be well & look fabulous! And 中國新年快樂 (Happy Chinese New Year) !

Alan + Mei-Mei the pug    


Love, Romance & My Favorite Romantic Movies To Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Posted in Celebrity & Entertainment with tags , , , , , , on February 5, 2010 by Alan + Mei-Mei the pug


 Ahhh…. Love is in the air…Yup, it’s that time of the year again, the valentine’s day is just around the corner! which lead me to write this posting (ok ok I confess, I am drinking captain morgan & diet coke while writing this! can I have a lil drink while fantasize about Channing Tatum? mmmkay! haha). Also what’ makes this year’s Valentine’s day extra special is that it’s on the same day as the Chinese New Year!! so it’s “Double Happiness”!

“LOVE” is something that everyone wants or dreaming about & willing to search to the end of the world to find it, That’s why all the major movie studios spends big money to crank out romantic movies to capture this almost “Dream like sensation/idea” we call “LOVE” and had us keep coming back for more! Some are romantic & funny, some you’ll need to bring a box of kleenex Tissues to the movie theater & cry your eyes out LOL. So in this posting, I will be chatting about “Love” and some of my all time favorite Romantic Movies to share with y’all !

So what is “Romance”? Historically, the term “romance” did not necessarily imply love in relationships, but rather was seen as an artistic expression of one’s innermost desires; sometimes including love, sometimes not. “Romance” in this sense can therefore be defined as attachment, fascination, or enthusiasm for something or someone. So many times in relationships we are consumed with the “romance” and think we are “IN LOVE”… maybe we should step back and think about this for a moment.

I have never been a person to really throw around that powerful 4 letter word called LOVE lightly! For me, this magical word should only be said when you really mean it, say it with the most sincere intention! using this word lightly then it will lost its “magic”! it’s just my opinion.

So here are some of my favorite romantic movies …..

The Note Book      (Click on the photo to see the movie trailer)

Simply put, The Notebook is the tale of the kind of love that most of people, including myself dream of. The perfect, everlasting, unconditional kind of love that conquers all. It is a movie that will evoke every emotion that a good, old fashioned romantic movie should. Expect plenty of tears even if you are not the kind of person who cries easily.

If you are expecting a love story with plenty of twists and turns, The Notebook is NOT it. It has a simple but beautiful story. You know exactly what’s coming but you cannot stop watching. I am not sure how many of you can convince your boyfriend or husband to watch this with you but I will say that this is the perfect movie for a girl’s night in! order some pizza, light some candles & pop open a good bottle of wine to enjoy this movie. The Notebook is a beautiful, sentimental movie…corny and mushy in parts, cliché even but I enjoyed every minute of it!

 Titanic      (Click on the photo to see the movie trailer)

There is something magical, fascinating and unforgettable about this love story. Leonardo di Caprio is the poor boy Jack, and Kate Winslet is the rich but unhappy girl Rose. They meet each other and experience a love so strong that most of us have never seen something like it. I can assure you that you will cry while watching this sad but extremely beautiful movie, which has also won 11 Academy awards.

 Brokeback Mountain      (Click on the photo to see the movie trailer)

Ah… how I love this movie!! two handsome cow boys falls in love….. I just love a hot cow boy! haha. Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal gave the Oscar worthy performance in this beautiful movie! the love between two men is no less than the traditional love that’s between a man & women. I’ve always believe LOVE is love! no matter if you are straight or gay. The sad ending always gets me! Too bad we’ve lost the super talented Heath Ledger, may he rest in peace and thank you for giving us this beautiful movie to remember you!

Sweet Home Alabama      (Click on the photo to see the movie trailer)

Reese Witherspoon plays the small town girl who moves to New York city and gets a career & became a successful fashion designer. She’s getting marry to a “JFK Jr.” kinda handsome powerful guy who loves her dearly, but first she needs to divorce her teenage love from the hometown in Alabama, which isn’t as easy as one could think. Who can resist a handsome country boy play by Josh Lucas? that piercing blue eyes, killer smile and ever so charming southern accent just makes me melt! LOL Josh! if Reese doesnt’ wanna marry you, I do ! I do!

While You Were Sleeping      (Click on the photo to see the movie trailer)

Sandra Bullock is falling in love with a man who buys subway ticket from her everyday, one day he fell in the subway rail track & become unconscious. The story gets complicated since his family thinks that she’s his girlfriend. It gets even more complicated when the guy’s brother, Bill Pullman (OMG!! I Love him in this movie… sooo handsome in a guy next door kinda way, YUM!) is falling in love with Bullock. This is a sweet and easy-going movie that you should see at least one time! as for me, I’ve seen it 10 times and at the end of the movie, I still have teary eyes!

Sleepless In Seattle      (Click on the photo to see the movie trailer)

OMG!! if you call yourself a “Romantic Comedy” fan and have not yet seen this movie, then you should be ashamed of yourself!! haha…. ok, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are playing the lead characters in this extremely funny and entertaining movie. This is one of those classic romantic movies that EVERYONE need to at least see it once! sniff sniff…. I LOVE this movie!

Never Been Kissed      (Click on the photo to see the movie trailer)

This is a really sweet story about a girl, played by Drew Barrymore, who has never been kissed. She meets a guy (happened to be her teacher), Michael Vartan and falls in love with him but the story is complicated. This is a movie that will make you smile and feel with the characters. It’s a terrific love story! watch out for the ending! If you didn’t laugh while having a teary eyes, then … then … you’re not human! haha! (OMG! can I say Michael Vartan is such a HOTTIE!!? everytime I saw him in this movie it makes my knees weak!!

Only You      (Click on the photo to see the movie trailer)

I love love love this movie!! I still remember the 1st time I saw it in NYC with my bestfriend Mariel at the theater at upper east side Lincoln , I cried at the end of this movie!! such a cute love story! no matter how cheesy it seems and Marisa Tome is kinda crazy to chase her Mr. Right all the way to Italy…… you have to see it! it’s magical!! ( and I LOVE her hari style!!)

Pretty Woman      (Click on the photo to see the movie trailer)

I am sure you all have seen Pretty Woman at lease once in your life. But even so, you just can’t help yourself to see it again! Julia Roberts is so full of charm and Richard Geer is so freaking handsome, and the “a normal girl meet wealthy prince charming” and turn her into a “princess” kinda cheesy story plot will still gets you everytime! ahhh, this movie brought good back high school memories….. and we all love the scene when Julia was all cleaned up and dressed in designer outfits then went back to that snobby sales girl at the Rodeo Drive store on Beverly Hills, eat this platinum card bitch ! haha

Moulin Rouge      (Click on the photo to see the movie trailer)

Beautiful costume, story & of course the stunning Nicole Kidman and super handsome Ewan McGregor stars the film. I just love musicals and this “dream-like” fantasy epic love story, especially at the end of the movie when Nicole Kidman sings to McGregor before she dies… makes me cry every time! ahhh… L’Amour L’Amour !

The Mirror Has Two Faces      (Click on the photo to see the movie trailer)

There are two things a woman knows: what she’s looking for and what she’ll settle for. I love this movie! yes, besides the DREAMY Jeff Bridges…. it’s a grown up kinda love story! of course it’s done in Barbra Streisand’s favorite story plot… ugly girl turns into a self confident beautiful woman and lands herself a handsome man! haha but seriously, it’s a beautiful love story! it’s a must see! You’ll LOVE the ending!!

Here is one of the song from the soundtrack….. perfect song for after a long day, cozy up on the sofa, drinking a cup of hot coco or glass of wine and dream about Jeff Bridges…… haha

(Click on the photo to see the movie trailer)

Girls, this magical thing we call “LOVE” is everywhere! some people search high & low but can’t seems to find it, some just met him/her at the supermarket. It happens differently for different people. We are and will forever be enthralled by it, dazzled by it. We are constantly on the look out for love. We see people love, we want the same thing ourselves. One person’s love is never the love of another. We fantasize about other people’s romance but we don’t realize that this is wrong, our own love will happen and it will never be like anyone else’s.

last nite I was web surfing and saw this very charming video presented by Vanity Fair & Banana Republic as part of the film independent’s project: Involve Program. It’s a short film about a guy name “Handsome” & a girl name “Belle” just might fall in love, if fate doesn’t get in the way first!

(Click on the photo to see the movie trailer)

so, after seeing all these romantic movies trailers, I hope your hearts are filled with love and optimistic hopeful feelings that YOU can find & have love that’s perfect for you! No matter if you are single, separated, widowed singles, or you are currently happily in love with your lover, never loose hope! Even tho I am already 37 years old, I still believes in the star, moon & magic all those good stuff! and I hope this little blog posting will inspire or re-light that “hope” for love in your heart!

To end this posting I would like to share with you this video… when you think of romance, magic & happy ending what pops into your mind usually? Disney ! I love this video, yes, it’s cheesy, pink and princessy but we all can dream a little sometimes even we are an adult already who are so busy with the daily lives & we often forget to “Dream a little” !! Enjoy!

(Click on the photo to see the video)

Remember! In order to receive love, you need to first LOVE yourself! have an open heart to welcome love into your life! If you can’t love yourself first then how do you expect others to love you right? Brightest blessing for all of you all over the world…. may you be surrounded by love every moment in your life!


Alan + Mei-Mei the pug

The Simpsons & Super Model Linda Evangelista Do Haute Couture !

Posted in Celebrity & Entertainment, Chanel, Jean Paul Gaultier, Lanvin, Marc Jacobs, Versace with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 24, 2009 by Alan + Mei-Mei the pug
Finally!! Marge Simpson has peeled off her tired green tube dress and cheap pearls for something just a little more FAB!! I love this Harper’s (August, 2007) spread. it’s beautifully ridiculous and so well done!

It was genius to include the ultimate supermodel
Linda Evangelista, as she is in my opinion, just as much an icon of the last decade as the hilariously jaundiced family. Watching these fabulous illustrations makes me say J’adore Bazaar! Here’s the spread itself, along with the garments the illustrations were based on from each designers.

& Donatella

Linda looks fierce as she does in the flesh and Donatella, well… Donatella kinda looks like a fleshed-out cartoon character anyway. Marge looks as fresh-faced as the day Homer married her.
CHANEL & Karl Lagerfeld

Lanvin & Elbaz
Jean Paul Gaultier

Viktor & Rolf

Louis Vuitton

& Marc Jacobs

Aren’t these illustrations fabulous!? ok, Me & Mei-Mei need to go now, ’cause Lacroix is waiting for me for the final fitting of the Couture gown I just got last week! Au revoir for now !! xoxo Alan + mei-mei the pug 🙂

Awesome Way To Get Rid Of Stinky Smell From Your Pets !

Posted in Aromatherapy, Pet Products with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 24, 2009 by Alan + Mei-Mei the pug

Nothing more nasty than those unpleasant smells from your dogs or cats ( well sometimes boyfriends or husbands included..LOL ) so we’ve search up and lows and found these fabulous products that not only get rid of the nasty smells of your pets, but also creating the aromatic atmosphere that you can enjoy !

These fabulous human grade (means you can use it on yourself,too!!) solid perfume balm iss for both your precious pets or on yourself!! Made with all natural shea & aloe butters, a blend of botanical & essential oils, purified beeswax, grapeseed, sweet almond & apricot kernel oils, vitamins A, E& F!

Rub a small amount on the top of your dog’s head and neck or on the belly (I use it on myself also! rub a lil behind your hear and your wrist, it smells like one of those expenisve designer perfume you get at the department stores!)

Avoid eyes, ears & nostrils! This perfume is concentrated and can last for long time! Big 3″x1.25″ Solid Perfume Block in a slide out tin container

Available in choice of:

* Honeysuckle Jasmine * Mandarin Green Tea * Lavender Chamomile
* Geranium Orchid Sage * Orange Nut Meg * Vanilla Lemongrass * Coconut Papaya
* Pomegranate Cucumber

**(Trust us, it smells so good, you will want to use it on yourself like we do! )


Aroma paws deodorizing dog coat spray is blended with green tea leaf extract for a shiny coat, aloe leaf extract to soothe skin, and sweet almond, coconut & olive oils to relieve dryness.

The spray is a chemical free product, PH balanced! in Eco-Friendly, Bio Degradable bottle!

Contains NO Dyes, Parabeans, Alchohol, Salt, Phosphates, Synthetic Fragrance! NO DEA, TEA, SLS, Pesticides or Animal by-products! It’s made with all with natural ingredients!

Big 4 oz and available in Choice of 8 fabulous scents!bottle

Ingredients: Purified water, glycerin, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, macadamia seed oil, green tea leaf extract, extracts of apple fruit, lime flower, beet root, aloe leaf, chamomile flower & Dandelion, olive oil & sorbitol surfactant, citric acid, blend of botanical & essential oils.


Girls! Ever wonder if the yucky smell is from your pets or your husband/boyfriend? well… this Extreme yet elegant & all natural odor eliminating room candle will do the job like magic!

This elegant candle is blended with an odor neutralizing oil & enzymes along with botanical and essential oils to remove Pet Odors (Husband or Boyfriend) odors from the air and will leave area smelling fresh and clean.

Big 12 oz designer glass bottle and available in choice of 2 scents: Citrus Blend (orange, lemongrass & peppermint) or Sandalwood & Cedarwood blend.

Maybe keep one in the garage, so after your husband/boyfriend working on their cars or poker games with his buddies, it will still smells nice and pretty just how you like it! LOL


That’s all we have to report today, come back again to check out what other fabulous must have items we’ve find to share with ya!


Xoxo Alan + Mei-Mei the Pug